Testimonies Summary
Here is the summary list of the testimonies we have available for a Monday evening meeting: This includes those on the Celebrate Recovery® Testimonies To Go DVD’s , as well as others that we’ve downloaded from other sources. Use the search box to select a particular topic, such as “anger”, “alcohol”, or “abuse” to select video summaries which include that word. Once you’ve picked one, use the Video Server (if a link is provided) to preview the videos to prepare to lead people through a discussion about the testimony.
Anthony (Vol: 14)
Anthony is a survivor of abuse. He felt confused and ashamed, which later led to a sexual addiction through his young adult years. God used CR to break through Anthony’s denial and heal his relationships.
Running Time: 00:21:33 Last Viewed On: 2023-04-17
Ashley (Vol: 14)
In March 2005, Ashley made headlines when she miraculously talked her way out of the hands of alleged courthouse killer Brian Nichols after he took her hostage. Ashley used the pain of her past to share the hope and new life found in Jesus Christ.
Running Time: 00:18:22 Last Viewed On: 2023-05-29
Bill Natalzia (Vol: 15)
A victim of sexual abuse, Bill’s alcoholism and sexual addiction started at an early age. This led him down dangerous paths in his life— and eventually he was diagnosed with HIV. When his church started Celebrate Recovery, Bill found the piece that had been missing—deep intensive work with Jesus Christ and the recovery principles based on the Beatitudes.
Running Time: 00:18:02 Last Viewed On: 2023-07-10
Bob (Vol: 2)
He isolated from his family as a teenager due to his Alcoholism/ Addiction. He shares how his life was completely transformed by the power of Jesus Christ through working the Celebrate Recovery program. As a young adult, he found meaning and purpose for his life and has been used by God to lead his family to Christ.
Running Time: 00:14:20 Last Viewed On: 2024-04-15
Bonnie (Vol: 15)
Bonnie was sexually abused by her step-father for 8 years. At the age of 17 she told her mom, they left her stepdad, and two months later her step-dad murdered her mother. She turned to self-harm as a way to cope. Today, Bonnie is finding freedom from the effects of sexual abuse by working the Celebrate Recovery program.
Running Time: 00:23:57 Last Viewed On: 2023-07-24
Brad & Renee (Vol: 7)
Alcohol and drug addiction nearly ruined their lives. The Lord restored their lives and marriage, and gave them a divine purpose for life.
Running Time: 00:22:37 Last Viewed On: 2023-06-26
Brian (Vol: 10)
For years Brian was captive to his sexual addiction, sexual abuse, codependency, and issues of being an adult child of an alcoholic. Brian says “Through life I could conform to rules and regulations and look good on the outside, say and do all the right Christian lingo, but be dying emotionally and spiritually on the inside.” Go with Brian as he takes his leap of faith into celebrating his recovery.
Running Time: 00:26:25 Last Viewed On: 2024-04-01
Carl (Vol: 1)
An adult child of an alcoholic, he was raised in a very legalistic, performance-based home. At Celebrate Recovery, he found a loving and grace-filled relationship with Christ and shares the freeing Good News with others.
Running Time: 00:18:31 Last Viewed On: 2024-11-11
Carri (Vol: 2)
Sex, Drugs and Alcohol ruled her life. She was the modern day story of the “Woman at the Well.” After allowing Christ to change her life, she now gratefully shares her testimony.
Running Time: 00:11:39 Last Viewed On: 2024-01-08
Charlie (Vol: 4)
He spent years trying to ease the pain in his life with sex, alcohol, and drugs only to find that these very things made his pain worse. When he made the decision to trust God and commit to working the principles in Celebrate Recovery, he found true healing and identity as a child of God.
Running Time: 00:21:05 Last Viewed On: 2023-08-07
Cheryl (Vol: 18)
In a single moment, Cheryl’s perfect life was shattered when her dad left her family at a young age. This started her addiction to food which became her comfort and solution to life’s problems. She became the CR Pastor at her church and her life changed forever.
Running Time: 00:25:53 Last Viewed On: 2023-09-18
Christie (Vol: 13)
Christie shares her painful past that left her feeling hopeless and abandoned. She discovered CR while in prison and is now a CR Leader and the founder of a program which teaches Cosmetology skills to incarcerated women.
Running Time: 00:14:07 Last Viewed On: 2024-03-18
CJ and Linda (Vol: 1)
Alcoholism, Co-dependency, and infidelity almost destroyed their marriage. They share how surrendering themselves and their marriage to God and working the Celebrate Recovery program restored their relationship.
Running Time: 00:23:50 Last Viewed On: 2024-11-25
Daisy (Vol: 17)
As a young teenager, Daisy’s desire to be popular and strive for approval drove her to look to the world to fill the voids she felt. The hurts and disappointments she experienced created a divide between her and the only person’s approval that matters — Jesus. Through The Landing and her church family she has been able to find acceptance and love from her Savior.
Running Time: 00:17:25 Last Viewed On: 2024-02-19
Danny (Vol: 15)
In his early teens, Danny’s parents were arrested in Mexico for transporting cocaine. He turned to drugs to cope with his emotional pain. After committing serious crimes, he was arrested and received a double life-sentence. In prison, Danny became a Christian and began Celebrate Recovery at Jamestown Prison in California. In 2014, Pastor Rick Warren wrote a letter to the Governor of California supporting Danny’s early release from prison. After serving 32 years for his sentence, Danny was released from prison. Danny now serves under Pastor John Baker as the Pastor of Celebrate Recovery Inside at Saddleback Church.
Running Time: 00:24:06 Last Viewed On: 2024-05-27
Dusty (Vol: 11)
Growing up the son of a Southern Baptist preacher, Dusty learned to be a people pleaser and keep secrets. Behind the facade of a good solid Christian, sexual addiction took a stronghold in his life and led to the loss of his job, marriage and ministry. Finding himself alone, knowing he was broken and wanting to put an end to his pain and addiction, Dusty cried out to God and found healing and reconciliation.
Running Time: 00:28:04 Last Viewed On: 2024-06-10
Harmony (Vol: 16)
Abandoned by her mother, she landed in a relationship that became abusive and eventually, exploitative when it led to her working in the sex-industry. After giving her life to Christ, she broke away from this lifestyle and started a non-profit called Treasures, which helps other victims who are exploited and trafficked. But as a Christian, she continued to have relationships with sexually addicted men. She started attending Celebrate Recovery and in her recovery, God has redeemed her dreams and hopes for a family and a future.
Running Time: 00:31:12
Hector and Marrisa (Vol: 12)
This father and daughter shared the feeling of being worthless as they were each sexually abused as children. Turning to shame, guilt and fear they experienced consuming anger that brought destruction within their lives. Turning to God, they learned that they mattered to Him and that He was faithful and could transform their lives.
Running Time: 00:44:48 Last Viewed On: 2023-10-23
Hillary (Vol: 7)
Addictive and compulsive behaviors kept this lost sheep from experiencing healthy emotions like joy and peace. Through Celebrate Recovery she found acceptance and love. Her trust in Jesus brought her the peace she always longed for.
Running Time: 00:20:26 Last Viewed On: 2024-07-22
Holstrum Family (Vol: 15)
Rodney, Carol, Jason, and Taylor are a testament to how Celebrate Recovery is for the whole family. When Rodney and Carol got married 25 years ago, they both brought baggage from their families of origin—drugs, alcohol, food issues, control issues, codependency, and depression. Through Celebrate Recovery, they’re able to maintain a healthy marriage and be godly examples to their children.
Running Time: 00:35:58 Last Viewed On: 2024-10-14
Jackie (Vol: 6)
“I can’t believe this is what my life has come to” thought Jacki at her first visit to the Women’s Sexual Addiction Group. An initial pornography encounter at seven led her down a dark, deadly path. In her journey, the Lord miraculously raised her to a new life.
Running Time: 00:17:37
Jackie (Vol: 9)
Jackie shares her struggles with codependency, anger and control issues. Her recovery includes dealing with being raised in an alcoholic home and the effects of being sexually, verbally and physically abused as a child. Today, Jackie has found the life God intended for her. Jackie shares about the gratitude that empowers her to do whatever it takes to provide opportunities for other people to receive freedom.
Running Time: 00:23:30
Jamie (Vol: 10)
Imprisoned for the murder of her abusive husband, Jamie was introduced personally to Celebrate Recovery by John and Cheryl Baker at the Valley State Prison for Women in Central California. While incarcerated, Jamie completed and led a Step Study Group for women struggling with anger, where she was able to address some of the many recovery issues confronting female felons in the U.S. today. Since her release, Jamie has continued serving the Lord through Celebrate Recovery and other ministries in San Francisco’s Mission District.
Running Time: 00:22:45
Jana (Vol: 7)
Education and prestigious jobs could not heal the hidden wounds of the abuse in her past. Only Jesus could heal her empty heart and change her into His confident servant.
Running Time: 00:20:27 Last Viewed On: 2023-05-15
Jeff (Vol: 17)
Jeff’s chemical addiction and motorcycle clubs ruled his life for years. Through the love and compassion of a fellow biker and Celebrate Recovery, he found the hope he craved. God not only redeemed his relationships with his family, but his love for motorcycles. He now uses Broken Chains to spread hope.
Running Time: 00:26:43 Last Viewed On: 2023-12-11
Jeni (Vol: 14)
Wounded at a young age by her parent’s divorce, Jeni learned to process her hurt through anger, control, and bitterness. Through CR, Jeni has found victory over her hurts, hang ups, and habits.
Running Time: 00:12:16
Joann (Vol: 8)
Her codependency and food addiction almost cost her life. Through brokenness and total surrender to Christ her life and love has been restored.
Running Time: 00:20:58
John (Vol: 10)
Heed the chronicle of John’s life that started with beautiful beginnings of being raised in a Christian home that ended in divorce. John began to develop his serious codependency and food issues in his childhood. Go on this journey with John as he shares his story and compares his despair to that of Jonahs, and the triumph that came out of his recovery.
Running Time: 00:29:12 Last Viewed On: 2023-11-13
Johnny (Vol: 6)
A secret double life kept Johnny buried in denial and fear. A DUI and failure to control alcohol by his own power, he turned to CR. He has worked through the principles and is committed to break the cycle of alcoholism in his family.
Running Time: 00:16:25 Last Viewed On: 2024-05-13
Johnny (Vol: 14)
Taken from his mom at the age of one and abandoned by his father, Johnny tried to cope with the pain of life with drugs, alcohol, and porn. After serving in Iraq, Johnny had reached a level of loneliness and despair that was unbearable. Watch as God takes a messy life and turns into something beautiful for his glory.
Running Time: 00:24:20 Last Viewed On: 2023-05-01
Johnny and Jeni (Vol: 16)
When they first got married, Johnny was in denial of his drinking problem, hiding that part of his life from his wife. Jeni, a child of divorce, equated arguing and confrontation to divorce. They both started their own journey through Celebrate Recovery. Today, Johnny serves as the Celebrate Recovery National Director of the program, and Jeni serves as the National Encourager Coach while also being the Celebrate Recovery National Director to Pastors’ Wives.
Running Time: 00:28:16 Last Viewed On: 2024-10-28
Julie (Vol: 13)
The wife of a senior pastor, Julie seemed to have the picture-perfect life, but deep down she was carrying around tremendous pain. It was only through a CR step study that Julie opened up to her sponsor about the past and began to experience freedom through Jesus Christ.
Running Time: 00:11:18 Last Viewed On: 2024-07-08
Karrie (Vol: 8)
Bulimia and lack of self-worth were the results of years of physical, sexual, and emotional abuse. Through Celebrate Recovery she learned to open up and learn to trust again, as the Lord healed her and gave her opportunities to serve Him.
Running Time: 00:17:34 Last Viewed On: 2023-10-30
Katrina Moore (Vol: 11)
Turning to perfectionism to prove and earn love from anyone who would give her attention, Katrina created the illusion of a beautiful, happy and ideal life. The void that she felt inside fueled her love and relationship addiction and led to the destruction of her marriage and to her contemplating to take her own life. Katrina turned to God to rescue her, and He wrapped His arms around her and brought her to Celebrate Recovery where she found hope, freedom and love.
Running Time: 00:26:42 Last Viewed On: 2024-08-05
Keith and Viv (Vol: 2)
Grief, Loss and Co-dependency were robbing them of the joy filled life God had for them. After starting Celebrate Recovery to help others, this actively serving Christian couple shares how they found greater blessing and fulfillment in their own lives as well.
Running Time: 00:18:56
Ken and Tammy (Vol: 17)
After starting to attend a local church, Ken shared his story over dinner with his Pastor — that’s when Ken found out about Celebrate Recovery and hasn’t looked back since. Celebrate Recovery has helped them restore relationships with their extended families, as well as, brought a wholeness to their individual recoveries from past abuse and hurts.
Running Time: 00:25:02 Last Viewed On: 2024-09-02
Leticia (Vol: 4)
Crack cocaine and life on the streets lead her to prison and loss of parental rights with her son. She shares how working with the Celebrate Recovery program inside prison and continuing the work after her release restored her relationships and gave her purpose.
Running Time: 00:34:44 Last Viewed On: 2024-08-19
Libby (Vol: 5)
Anger and control issues nearly cost Libby her marriage and relationship with her sons, as she strived for the perfect family. God got her attention, healing her family when she acknowledged her need for recovery and took the steps to work through her issues.
Running Time: 00:21:15 Last Viewed On: 2023-09-04
Lillian (Vol: 17)
From an early age, Lillian experienced deep pain and abuse from her father and those he let into their lives. This pain caused her to struggle with anger, deep depression, and severe PTSD. Through Celebrate Recovery, Lillian has found the community she needed.
Running Time: 00:20:26
Lilly and Violet (Vol: 17)
When Lily and Violet’s family moved from West Virginia to North Carolina, both young teens were looking forward to a fresh start. Being new in an established community was rough, but through trials and the hope found at The Landing they started to see themselves as God does — worthy.
Running Time: 00:34:19
Lori (Vol: 1)
As a love and relationship addict, she encountered many abusive relationships. She has found healing by sharing God’s grace with other women in similar circumstances.
Running Time: 00:15:34 Last Viewed On: 2023-11-27
Lou (Vol: 18)
Once a prestigious doctor, he struggled with addiction to Opioids and people pleasing. Hitting rock bottom and losing his medical license, after committing his life to Christ and no longer using drugs to cope with his underlying problems, he felt a call into ministry. God has used CR to bring his greatest ministry out of his greatest shame.
Running Time: 00:23:07 Last Viewed On: 2024-03-04
Lynn (Vol: 14)
Lynn shares about her recovery from alcohol and healing from the guilt and shame of her past. Lynn tells how she has learned through CR how to live a life of joy and purpose—no matter what life brings!
Running Time: 00:22:38 Last Viewed On: 2024-01-22
Mac & Mary (Vol: 8)
Poor choices in their youth led to his addictions and her codependency. God turned their mistakes into a miracle for their church and family.
Running Time: 00:34:38
Marnie (Vol: 4)
An eating disorder and sexual addiction helped her mask the pain of physical, verbal, and emotional abuse in her childhood. By the time she began her path to recovery, she was broken and completely unaware of reality.
Running Time: 00:17:46
Mary (Vol: 3)
Anger stemming from abuse and infidelity nearly led her to murder and suicide. Feeling empty and without purpose she went in search of a Savior. Through Celebrate Recovery, and women she could share with, she learned how to have an intimate, loving relationship with Jesus Christ.
Running Time: 00:23:19 Last Viewed On: 2023-10-02
Mary (Vol: 16)
From an early age, Mary experienced the impact of her mother’s mental illness in a time when mental health issues were often undiagnosed. While praying for a breakthrough in her marriage and in her own life, she discovered hope, strength, and healing through a relationship with Jesus Christ and Celebrate Recovery.
Running Time: 00:22:26
Michelle (Vol: 5)
Abused by someone she trusted, Michelle shares her courageous battle to break free from codependency and struggles as a survivor of sexual abuse. She is an example of how Celebrate Recovery works in the lives of young adults.
Running Time: 00:19:04
Mike & Kelly (Vol: 9)
Sexual Addiction, coupled with guilt, shame and secrets, held Mike captive to his addictive lifestyle. Kelly, in her codependency, constantly compared herself to other women, telling herself for years how she wasn’t good enough. Watch as they share their life-altering experience as they worked through restoring their relationship through Celebrate Recovery.
Running Time: 00:25:29
Mindy (Vol: 9)
“I lived a life full of crisis,” says Mindy, a single mom, victim of child abuse, victim of emotional, physical and sexual abuse, and a codependent who really didn’t trust anyone. Take a front seat and watch one of God’s greatest modern day miracles.
Running Time: 00:27:30 Last Viewed On: 2024-09-16
Murphy Family (Vol: 11)
Co-dependency, anger and fear plagued the Murphy family. Putting on masks of perfection around others while dying on the inside, the cycle of dysfunction was passed on from generation to generation. While seeking to support a cousin with addiction, God used the Celebrate Recovery International Summit to begin the transformation and healing process of the Murphy’s which then spread across the state of Oklahoma.
Running Time: 00:34:21
Nate (Vol: 16)
At the age of 10, mental health became very real to Nate. Falling into depression, he suffered from suicidal thoughts and even attempted to take his own life. After hitting rock bottom, he gave his life to Christ and got involved in Celebrate Recovery.
Running Time: 00:19:13 Last Viewed On: 2024-06-24
Paul (Vol: 5)
Surrounded by violence and substance abuse, Paul ended up in prison where he committed his life to Christ and where he was exposed to harassment, threats and personal violence from inmates. Outside prison, Paul continues a transition to a new life, church family and CR.
Running Time: 00:38:05
Regina (Vol: 6)
The childhood of a pastors daughter is viewed as idyllic, but Regina battled addiction and anorexia. It wasn’t until she came to CR that she found the tools to break the bonds of substances and negativity.
Running Time: 00:21:38 Last Viewed On: 2025-01-27
Renee and Hailey (Vol: 12)
This mother and daughter share how abuse, abandonment, fear and low self-esteem led each of them to use drugs, alcohol, co-dependency and sexual addiction to cope with the pain in their lives. Helpless until they learned to turn to Christ and commit their lives to Him, Renee and Haley found forgiveness for themselves and learned to accept the love of God and others through Celebrate Recovery.
Running Time: 00:27:21
Rodney (Vol: 11)
Coming from a broken home full of physical, mental and verbal abuse Rodney walked through his addictions to alcohol and drugs and toward the healing arms of the Savior. God took this emotional young boy living inside a grown man’s body and through Jesus healing power brought life, restoration, and freedom. Rodney explains how the process of Celebrate Recovery washed the stains of his broken life away. God continues to use the stains from Rodney’s past to bring hope to others who are hurting.
Running Time: 00:21:20 Last Viewed On: 2024-04-29
Roger and Sarah (Vol: 18)
Roger and Sarah have seen firsthand how Celebrate Recovery has changed their marriage. Roger brought his addiction to pornography and lust into their relationship and Sarah struggled with Codependency. Today, both Sarah and Roger have experienced strength and hope through Celebrate Recovery.
Running Time: 00:27:27
Sharon (Vol: 15)
Sexual abuse caused Sharon to develop unhealthy coping mechanisms that led to her drug addiction and an eating disorder. Today she is not only free from her addictions, she is also giving back to the program that saved her life.
Running Time: 00:22:23
Shirley (Vol: 12)
A seemingly “good” Christian girl, with a good upbringing, Shirley began compromising herself in High School to be accepted by her peers. This continued as she sought to find her prince in shining armor, but instead had 3 failed marriages due to abuse, betrayal and abandonment. This battered, bruised and broken Christian woman began to seek and serve God which led to the beginning of her road to recovery.
Running Time: 00:30:17 Last Viewed On: 2025-01-13
Tim (Vol: 3)
Abuse and abandonment kept him from trusting others. Working in ministry and becoming a pastor only proved to him that his life was one of contradiction after another. It wasn’t until he came to Celebrate Recovery that he found a safe place where he could shed his fears and express his pain.
Running Time: 00:16:33 Last Viewed On: 2025-02-10
Tina (Vol: 3)
Drugs and sexual addiction cost her everything: her marriage, her home, her car, her possessions, and nearly her life. She was completely broken when she came to Celebrate Recovery, and heard the words “We admitted.” With the support of women she grew to trust, Jesus Christ completely changed her life. She pioneered a Celebrate Recovery group for women with sexual addiction.
Running Time: 00:19:40 Last Viewed On: 2024-12-30
Tyler (Vol: 13)
Tyler’s complicated childhood left him feeling lonely and insecure. After years of drug and alcohol abuse, he eventually found Celebrate Recovery® and the grace and healing he had never known.
Running Time: 00:23:40
Jason T (Grace Church)
Testimony Recorded on February 17, 2017 at Grace Church, Cape Coral – Fort Myers – Sarasota, FL
Running Time: 00:20:56 Last Viewed On: 2023-06-12